The Do’s and Don’ts for Your Criminal Case | Hager & Schwartz, P.A.
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The Do’s and Don’ts for Your Criminal Case

By Hager & Schwartz, P.A.

September 22, 2020

How to Handle a Criminal Defense Case

From the moment you get arrested for a crime, you can expect to be under scrutiny from law enforcement. They will be watching your every move and trying to get you to talk about the circumstances surrounding your case. To keep you from making any unnecessary mistakes, we would like to offer you information about your rights and a few do’s and don’ts to which you should abide.

Understanding Your Rights

If an officer places you under arrest, they will need to read you your rights. You have the right to be silent about your arrest and the alleged crime. You have the right to at least one phone call. Finally, you have the right to have an attorney present during all questioning.

The Do’s

Protecting yourself while interacting with law enforcement is paramount to a successful outcome of your case. Here are five to do’s to follow:

  1. Do cooperate with law enforcement during your arrest and do not resist. Failure to do so could create additional legal problems.
  2. Do listen very carefully to your Miranda rights after your arrest.
  3. Do take advantage of your right to remain silent while in custody and refrain from answering any questions other than your name and address.
  4. Do immediately request legal representation. That will put law enforcement on notice that they cannot speak with you about your case until your attorney is present.
  5. After you hire a criminal attorney, it’s vitally important that you be forthcoming with them about the entire incident that led to your arrest. You will also want to make sure you ask your attorney enough questions to leave you feeling comfortable with what is going to be happening.

The Don’ts

Here are three critical don’ts to ensure your rights are protected.

  1. Don’t speak with law enforcement about anything without your attorney present; however, it’s still important to conduct yourself with politeness.
  2. Don’t talk about your case over the phone. Law enforcement may be monitoring your calls.
  3. Don’t discuss your case with anyone who could bear witness against you.

Are Your Facing Criminal Charges? We Can Help

If you find yourself facing criminal charges, you now have a better idea of how to proceed. If you need an experienced Miami criminal defense attorney, we are here to assist you. At Hager & Schwartz, P.A., we’ll work tirelessly to defend your criminal case.

Contact us today at (305) 330-1360 to discuss your case and learn your rights.