Many spouses share their financial information, but can a spouse open a credit card in the other’s name? Check out this Miami criminal defense blog post to find out.
A restraining order prevents someone from contacting the person named in the order. In this blog post, we examine if a spouse can use a restraining order against another spouse.
Driving towards an upcoming DUI checkpoint may catch you by surprise, so here are some things you need to know when dealing with Florida DUI checkpoints.
We always assume that a driver is responsible for a DUI, but can bars be criminally liable for causing DUIs? Read this Hager & Schwartz’s blog post to find out!
We all know about driving while under the influence charges, but are all these charges the same in Florida? Check out this Hager & Schwartz blog post to find out!
Burglary is a serious criminal charge, but how can it be proven? Learn more about how prosecutors prove burglary from our Miami criminal defense lawyers from Hager & Schwartz, P.A.
Selling drugs can result in harsh penalties, but when is selling drugs a Florida felony? Read this blog post to determine when selling drugs is a felony in Florida.
Even though people accused of committing crimes are detained they still have rights. To protect our freedoms, it’s crucial we understand the rights we have when we are arrested in Florida.